Thursday, October 29, 2009

No X Country but 1/2 Marathon instead!!!!

Well it's nearly November already, where has the time gone!!!

It's nearly 2 weeks since round 1 of the cross country and just over 2 weeks to round 2 at Nobles Park on November 15th.

This Sunday 1st November is the Syd Quirk Half Marathon Run and Walk. The walk starts at 8.30 and the run starts at 9.30, make sure you are there in plenty of time to get your race numbers.
This race was not originally in my plans for this winter, but seeing as my Employers are sponsoring the event and i have managed to persuade the Sales Director to take part in the walk, i thought the least i could do was take part myself!!!!

What is my target for the event?? well that's a good question, i have a pace i would like to try and do which should hopefully see me over the finish line in around 80 minutes, but i will see how things go on the day.

Good luck to all those taking part and see you there, looks like it's going to be windy!!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mission accomplished!!!

What a great race it was on sunday, Kev and Lloyd were always going to be close but it was 50/50 who was going to come out on top.
It was great to see a few faces back racing after injury especially Paul Clarke and Nick Percival, having them back can only improve the competitiveness at the front of the field.

My own race went spot on to plan, i had a good start and had the aim of hanging on to Nige if i could. I had one minor (Calamity Mike) moment when i went over on my ankle in the top field, but managed to recover quickly and get back into my stride.

I seem to have recovered ok, got a slightly tight right hamstring but other than that i feel good.

The event was well organised too so thankyou to Western AC.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Glen Lough only a few days away

There is only a few days to go to the 2009/2010 cross country is underway.

Round 1 is at the Glen Lough camp site on sunday 18th October hosted by Western AC
If you haven't entered in advance make sure you are there in plenty of time on sunday. Signing on starts from around 12.45 on sunday or alternatively you can register at the Manx Harriers club house this friday between 6 and 7.

I am looking forward to sunday, my training has gone pretty well and if conditions are not too muddy i hope to have a good run.

Good luck to everyone

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Season ahead

When i was first asked to do this blog i thought noooooo way, but after some thought i thought why not might be fun!
I have decided this year to put marathons on the shelf and put my focus on the cross country season so hopefully i will improve on previous seasons.

In the coming weeks and months i will keep you updated as to how i am progressing while at the same time keeping you informed of up coming cross country races.

wish me luck!